The general effect is green with a white top, oblong, with windows. 'Tisn't as easy as
all that to do windows. The platform isn't any colour, it's half grey half brown if it
must be something. The most important thing is it's full of curves, lots of esses as you
might say. but the way it is at midday, rush hour, it's an extraordinary mess. To get
somewhere near it you'd have to extract from the magma a light ochre rectangle, put a
light ochre oval on top, and then on top of that again, stick a darkish ochre hat which
you'd encircle with a plait of burnt Siena, all mixed-up, at that. Then you'd shove in a
patch the colour of duck's muck to represent fury, a red triangle to represent anger,
and just a pissworth of green to portray suppressed bile and squittery funk.
After that you'd draw one of those sweet darling little navy blue overcoats and, near
the top of it, just below the opening, you'd put a darling little button drawn with great
precision and loving care.